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Prepare Process


Wondering where to begin? No problem. Just use this handy checklist to determine what you've already done and what steps you need to take next!


 Meet with your high school guidance counselor and schedule college prep classes; plan courses for 11th grade so that college requirements are met.

 Decide when you are going to take the ACT and/or SAT test, and be sure to get your registration on time.

 Select electives that relate to the area you want to study in college.

 Take the practice test in the PSAT registration form.

Involve yourself in community and extracurricular activities so colleges will notice you!

 Take the P-ACT+ and/or PSAT in the fall.

 Decide what you are looking for in a college; attend college events; and contact them for information.

 Take the ACT and/or SAT in the spring.

 Visit campuses and talk to professors

Start to fill out applications and begin deciding who you want to write your letters of recommendation.

 If possible or necessary, take the ACT or SAT in the fall. The higher your score, the better your chances are for getting scholarships.

 Narrow your college choices down and take campus visits, preferably overnight.

 Submit applications before the admission deadlines arrive.

 Remind those who you have asked to write letters of recommendations that they are due, and make sure your transcripts are sent.

 Enjoy your graduation. You have earned it!

 Get ready to come to MVNU!

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